Alfred's Basic Piano Library, Lesson Book • Level 1A

  Ce cours est en anglais

 • Publisher : Alfred Publishing
 • Author : Willard A. Palmer, Morton Manus, Amanda Vick Lethco
 • Grade : 0
 • # Lessons : 58
 • Notation : Standard
 • Multimedia files

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Professeur : Ania Coen

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Alfred•s Basic Piano Library, Lesson Book • Level 1A

This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition.

Lesson Book Level 1A begins by teaching basic keyboard topography and fluent recognition of white key names in relation to black keys.
It focuses on simple rhythms and prepares students for intervallic reading with entertaining songs that focus on "same," "stepping up" and "stepping down."
It then introduces lines and space notes in treble and bass clefs, melodic and harmonic intervals of 2nds, 3rds, 4ths and 5ths, and graduates to reading on the grand staff. It also introduces the flat and sharp signs.

Songs Include: Balloons * Batter Up! * The Donkey * A Friend Like You * Hand-Bells * A Happy Song * Horse Sense * Totem Pole Song * It's Halloween! * Jingle Bells! * Jolly Old Saint Nicholas * July the Fourth! * Just a Second! * Love Somebody * Merrily We Roll Along O'er the Deep Blue Sea * Mexican Hat Dance * My Clever Pup * My Fifth * My Robot * Old MacDonald * Old Uncle Bill * Play a Fourth * Raindrops * Rain, Rain! * Rockets * Rockin' Tune * Rock Song * Sailing * Sea Divers * See-Saws * Skating * Who's on Third• * Willie and Tillie * Wishing Well * The Zoo.

Multimedia files included in the course : 106 videos • 106 audio files • 53 MIDI Files.

Chaque abonnement inclu l'expédition d'une copie originale de la méthode pour se conformer à la réglementation sur les droits d'auteur.

20 €/mois
