This course is in English
• Publisher : Koala Music Publications
• Author : Gary Turner
• Grade : 1
• # Lessons : 10+50
• Notation : Standard & Tablatures
• Multimedia files
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Teacher : Tom Silva
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10 Easy Lessons, Learn To Play Guitar
10 Easy Lessons, Learn To Play Guitar assumes you have no prior knowledge of music or playing the Guitar.
Starting from the types of guitar available and the different styles of playing you are introduced to :
1. important basic chord shapes and chord progressions.
2. Learn to read and play guitar music using standard music notation, EASY READ TAB and EASY READ strumming patterns and chord diagrams.
3. Learn to play the notes on all six strings.
4. Learn the melodies and chords of over 20 well known songs and chord progressions including Rock, Blues and Turnaround Progressions.
5. Learn basic music theory including time signatures, sharps and flats, major scales etc.
6. Learn the most common open chord shapes in the keys of C major, G major and A minor.
The method also has special sections on tuning, how to read sheet music of your favourite groups, and a chord chart.
All guitarists should know all of the information contained in this method.
After completing this method you will have a solid understanding of the guitar and will be ready for further study on specific styles of guitar playing.
Multimedia files included in the course : 66 videos 66 audio files.
Each subscription includes the shipping of an original copy of the method to comply with the copyright regulation.