10 Easy Lessons, Learn To Play Bass

  This course is in English

 • Publisher : Koala Music Publications
 • Author : Gary Turner
 • Grade : 1
 • # Lessons : 10+50
 • Notation : Standard & Tablatures
 • Multimedia files

Customize lessons timing at any time.
Take a new lesson every 2, 3, 5, or 7 days.

Teacher : Cyril Olivier

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10 Easy Lessons, Learn To Play Bass

The bass player, together with the drummer, form what is called the rhythm section of a group.
They create the backing beat, driving force and 'tightness' necessary for a successful group.

10 Easy Lessons, Learn To Play Bass assumes you have no prior knowledge of music or playing the bass. In this method you will learn:

1. to read and play bass guitar music using standard music notation and also easy read TAB notation;
2. notes on all four strings including sharps (#'s) and flats (b's);
3. Scales, Riffs and Arpeggios so you can create your own bass lines.

All bass players should know all of the information contained in this method.
After completing this method you will have a solid understanding of the bass guitar and will be ready for further study on specific styles of bass playing.

To help you do this, here are some other methods in this series which are highly recommended:
10 Easy Lessons, Learn To Play Slap Bass and 10 Easy Lessons, Learn To Play Rock Bass.

Multimedia files included in the course : 65 videos • 65 audio files.

Each subscription includes the shipping of an original copy of the method to comply with the copyright regulation.

€ 20/month
